10 Ways to Lose a Patient
10 Ways to Lose a Patient and Not Even Know It
Mary E. Schmidt, ABOC, CPO
Course Description:
In today’s market, patients can be very demanding. If you are lucky, they tell you when you don’t measure up. But if you’re unlucky, they just walk away, without giving you the chance to succeed and they tell others. This course will allow you to assess your standard practices to ensure you are handling all the basics.
Learning Objective:
After completing this course attendees will:
Learn what motivates patient
Understand their role in patient retention and practice growth
Establish standards or behavior that inspire patient loyalty
Follow a checklist to success
Be pro-active in problem solving
Needs Assessment:
New staff members who need to set a baseline performance expectation. Experienced staff needing to refresh their skills.
Length of workshop: 1 hour
Audience: Paraoptometric, Optician
Approved CE: Contact us for details