Leadership - Delegation – How to Work SMARTER
Delegation - Work SMARTER Not Harder
Mary E. Schmidt, ABOC, CPO
Course Description:
Your greatest asset is your team. Your biggest headaches can be caused by…your team. How can you inspire, set realistic goals, and understand how to create and keep a positive workplace?
This course will help you to understand how to share the duties and responsibilities with your team. You will walk through methods to establish goals and objectives, set performance standards, develop job descriptions and performance appraisals. You will learn which tasks to never delegate and, ultimately how this all impacts the practice economics.
Learning Objective:
After completing this program attendees will:
Understand how to set goals for staff members
Develop effective systems for performance evaluation
Development others
Improve confidence in the team
Have the ability to retain staff
Understand how to create a positive work environment
Know how to get the best performance from each staff member
Needs Assessment:
Practices re-evaluating procedures, wishing to improve economics and staff morale.
Length of workshop: 2 hours
Audience: Managers, Practice Leaders, Doctors
Approved CE: Contact us for details